Local British transplant Antony Hegarty is one of the most acclaimed musical performers of the decade, and I can't say I know why. Although his performance of "Candy Says" at St. Ann's Warehouse was an unquestionably moving moment in Lou Reed's Berlin extravaganza and the filmic highlight of the concert movie that ensued -- not to mention his triumphant vocal on Hercules & Love Affair's "Blind" -- Antony's trilogy of somambulent chamber pop albums is enough to send anyone in a fog of depression... at the very least. Which leaves us very surprised that the effete crooner has included Beyonce's Chi-Lites sampling hit "Crazy in Love" in his live sets for some time now, and even more surprised that Pitchfork is reporting that he will release a recording the song as a single on Rough Trade this August. Although I expect a glacially-paced monstrosity along the lines of this year's overhyped The Crying Light, such a rendition may actually do the song justice. Stay tuned.
Oh, yes. We discussed this :) And you're more than half of the Brooklyn Eagle Arts section! Yayyyyyy :)